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"Dumpa inte Nordstream på Tyskland", Dagens Industri, 1 March 2024

[Op ed arguing that the EU should assume responsibility for dealing with NordStream]


"Regionalisera Natoalliansen", Dagens Industri, 16 January 2024

[Op ed arguing for the regionalization of Nato as the Nordic region is integrated into the alliance]


"Så fungerar putinismen", Kvartal, 16 January 2024
[Article arguing that anarchic power is a key feature of a putinism intent on bringing down a rule-based world order]

"Bistånd ger en utväg", Aktuellt i Politiken, 19 October 2023

[Discussion with Anna Sundström, Head of Olof Palme International Center, on aid to Palestine, Swedish Nato-accession, and Brics+]


"Svensk naturgasimport spelar Moskva i händerna", Dagens Industri, 11 October 2023

[Article arguing for a Swedish import stop of Russian liquefied natural gas, LNG, and as far-reaching EU-sanctions as possible]


"Kritik mot svensk import av rysk naturgas", intervju om importstopp av rysk flytande naturgas, LNG, Sveriges radio, P1 Ekot, 11 October 2023

[Interview on Swedish National Radio about import stop of Russian liquefied natural gas, LNG]


"Vem sprängde NordStream?", Sydöstran, 8 October 2023

[Article on how the NordStream Baltic Sea pipeline might have been blown up as a result of an internal Russian struggle for control of the gas industry.]


"Rysk maktkamp bakom sprängningen av NordStream?", Kvartal, 26 September 2023
[Article about suspects and motives in the power struggle behind the 2022 NordStream Baltic Sea pipeline blast.]


"Mystiska dödsfallen bland rika ryssar", Kvartal, 20 September 2023

[Article about mysterious deaths among wealthy Russians]


"Från bödlar till mördare", Sydöstran, 25 June 2023

[Article with background analysis to Russia's 2023 Prigozhin rebellion]


"Rysk villkorslös kapitulation är vad som krävs", Dagens Industri, 21 March 2023
[Article arguing that the western war objevtive agalnst Russia should be the country’s complete and unconditional surrender]


"Fredssamtal är Ukrainas beslut", Q&A on security policy with Aktuellt i Politiken, 23 February 2023

[Duelling views on security policy with head Olof Palme International Center]


"Så har de 23 oligarkerna mördats", interview on Swedish TV4, 16 January 2023

[Interview on Swedish TV about mysterious deaths among Russian oligarchs]


"20 ryska oligarker dog ifjol under mystiska omständigheter", interview with Titti Schultz on P4 Extra, 10 January 2023
 [Interview on Swedish National Radio about mysterious deaths among Russian oligarchs]


"Alliansfriheten är död - det är dags att bygga något nytt", Dagens Arena, 14 December 2022

[Benchmark article about Sweden's foreign and security policy values, positions and interests on the threshold of NATO-accession]


"Moskva är tyst", Aktuellt i Politiken, 1 November 2022
[Article about how Putin paralyses the West into wanting an end to the war in Ukraine when we should ask ourselves how to gain peace by way of justice, rectification, and reconciliation.]


"Först tar vi Gazprom", Smedjan, 21 October 2022
[Article about Russian energy, Gazprom infighting, and the struggle for power in Moscow]


"Ryssland, medierna och makten", Global Bar-samtal, 4 October 2022

[Panel discussion about Russian media]


"Putin förvirrar, splittrar och förlamar väst med sitt bondeoffer", Dagens Industri, 1 October 2022
[Op ed about the sabotage against NorthStream and the struggles within Gazprom]


"Rysk affärsman död - tionde i rad", Göteborgs-Posten, 15 september 2022
[Interview about murders and mysterious deaths in the Russian energy sector]


"Experten om döda ryssarna: ”Lever på nåder av Kreml", Göteborgs-Posten, 3 september 2022

[Interview about murders and mysterious deaths in the Russian energy sector]


"Gorbatjovs arv", Sydöstran, 1 September 2022
[Op ed about Gorbachev's legacy, based on his childhood and background]


"Alliansfriheten är död", Dagens Industri, 26 August 2022

[Op ed about Sweden's international role and strategy on entering Nato]


"Sverige och Nato: Varför saknas diskussionen?", Global Bar Magazine, 18 augusti 2022

[Summary of Nato discussion at Global Bar]


"Nato - hur påverkas Sveriges röst i världen", Global Bar-samtal, 16 August 2022
[Panel about Sweden's international role and strategy on entering Nato]


"Amnesty, tystnaden och trollen", Sydöstran, 12 August 2022

[Op ed about Amnesty International's accusations against Ukraine for war crimes]


"Krama krämen ur kremlologin", Sydöstran, 12 July 2022

[Article arguing for closer scrutiny of power struggles over the Russian energy sector reflecting those in the Kremlin]


"Är det tyst i Ryssland nu", Yttrandefrihetspodden, 1 July 2022

[Pod about freedom of speech in Russia]


"Ryssland och en längtan efter det normala", Global Bar Magazine, 27 June 2022

[Chronicle about Russia's future beyond Putin]


"Putin, grodkokaren", Sydöstran, 17 May 2022

[Op ed about Sweden's security policy choices]


"Stor & Liten i världen", Sydöstran, 12 April 2022

[Op ed about Sweden's security policy choices]


"Sanktioner mot Putins döttrar", Sveriges Radio P1, Studio Ett, 6 April, 2022

[Interview on Swedish Public Broadcasting Channel 1 about sanctions against Putin's daughters]


"Affärerna med Stena är klassisk rysk taktik", Expressen, 28 March 2022

[Op ed about countering Russian economic warfare against Swedish business]


"Så blev 26-åringens Londonlägenhet symbol för rysk penningtvätt", Dagens Nyheter, 28 March 2022

[Interview about Russian money laundering in Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter]


"Putin inför verkligheten", Sydöstran, 10 March 2022

[Op ed on Putin facing reality]


"Expert: Sanktioner är som att kasta pil - svårt att träffa mitten", Sveriges Radio - P1 Morgon, 7 March 2022
[Interview on Swedish Public Broadcasting Channel 1 about sanctions against Russian oligarchs]

"Finns det tecken på att sanktionerna mot ryska oligarker är effektiva?", Sveriges Radio - P1 Morgon, 7 March 2022

[Interview on Swedish Public Broadcasting Channel 1 about sanctions against Russian oligarchs]


"Östeuropaexperten - låt politikerna bestämma om NATO", Sverige Inför Verkligheten, 6 March 2022

[Interview on Russia and its war on Ukraine for Swedish Social-Democratic news channel]


"Ledarintervju med Vilhelm Konnander: Så tänker Putin", Sydöstran, 4 March 2022
[Op ed interview on how Putin thinks]


"Navalnyj och intighetens estetik", Kvartal, 5 September 2020

[Article about the poisoning of Russian opposition leader, Aleksei Navalny]


"Penningtvätt - från svart till vitt", Dagens Arena, 25 July 2020

[Article about post-soviet money laundering and Swedish banks]


"Alltmer makt utgår från Putin", Europaportalen, 30 June 2020

[Article about Russia's constitutional amendments]


"Vad händer med Ryssland efter Putin?", Göteborgsposten, 28 December 2019

[Article about post-Putin scenarios]


"Risker med artificiell intelligens ur ett mångfalds- och diskrimineringsperspektiv", Diversity Charter, 29 November 2019

[Panel about risks with artificial intelligence from a diversity and discrimination perspective]


"Rysk penningtvätt: Ett sekel av plundring",, 24 March 2017
[Article about Russian money laundering and information warfare]


"Putinismens systemhot frodas i kaos och splittring", Dagens Samhälle, 16 December 2016

[Article about Putinism as a systemic threat undermining western society]


"Så sårbara är vi i det ryska PR-kriget", Dagens Samhälle, 8 April 2016

[Article about reflexive control and western vulnerabilities to Russian info warfare]


"Ryska realia - från Majdan till Majdan", Tiden Magasin, no. 4, 2014

[Article about the fascist sources of Putinism and the Russian threat against freedom and democracy]


"Det krävs mer än ett stärkt försvar - Om systemhotet från Ryssland", Dala-Demokraten, 9 October 2014
[Article about the need for comprehensive measures in confronting the Putinist system threat]

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